The tasting will be hosted by Galco’s proprietor John Nese and will feature a variety of specialty sodas from several domestic and international companies. Representatives of the companies will be on hand.
Proceeds will go to the Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition.

There will also be music from popular local bands "Artichoke," and the "Greger Walnum Blues Band," plus a special appearance by 13-year old Highland Park vocalist Genesee Hall. A silent auction will feature Mount Washington artist Lauri Mraz' work, "Southwest Museum, Empty," a realistic depiction of the museum knit from hand-spun yarn. Nearby restaurants El Arco Iris and Italiano's will donate a portion of profits to the cause when tasting attendees have dinner on the boulevard after the event.

While the benefit promises to be great fun, Nicole Possert of the Coalition says that it will also serve to open people’s hearts and minds to the possibility that Los Angeles’ first museum could be shuttered forever.
The benefit will take place Sunday, July 24, 5-8 p.m., at Galco’s Soda Pop Stop, 5702 York Boulevard, Highland Park. Advance tickets are $12 and can be purchased at Galco’s or online at Tickets at the event will be $15 cash.
In addition to hosting the event, Nese has volunteered to donate all proceeds from store soda and candy sales that evening to the coalition, so this is a great time to stock the soda cellar and prepare for upcoming events or gifts.
“John Nese has been a big supporter,” says Possert. “Galco’s is coming through again—not only for us in Northeast Los Angeles, but for the whole city.”

Photographs: John Nese of Galco's Soda Pop Stop (photo: Martha Benedict)/Lauri Mraz’ yarn work, "Southwest Museum, Empty"(photo: Margaret Arnold)
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